The “book” refers to a monthly guide released by TransUnion, a company involved in comprehensive Data Analysis of production Vehicles across South Africa. They receive and process data from actual car purchases over specific periods. Based on average trading figures combined with other statistical factors, TransUnion compiles the guide, which is updated monthly.
Dealers generally use the value listed for your make of car, together with the year model, as a base, and adjust up or down based on condition and mileage of the car. As a rule, a generally accepted mileage for a car to travel in one year, is 15,000 to 20,000 kms. Mileage above that, in most cases mean an adjustment down from the book value.
The Transunion Dealer Guide, lists 2 main values for each vehicle. “TRADE” price is a value “into-showroom” and takes into account any refurbishments or repairs that a dealer will need to carry on the car “RETAIL” price refers to a price on a fully refurbished vehicle with roadworthy and warranty.
We will assist and advise you on the documents to complete. Generally, we will need your Vehicle “log-book” (Vehicle Registration Certificate / RC1), Copy of your ID, as well as any valid Proof of Residence on your name. We will supply and complete the Change of Ownership ("yellow form") and the SARS Declaration forms.
No, but you can apply for a duplicate log-book at your nearest motor-vehicle licensing department. The cost is approximately R500.
Our company policies prevents us from purchasing a vehicle, if it's not registered on your name for more than 6 months. In the case of a deceased family member, we require proof of relation and authorization from the estate executor. We will assist and advise accordingly at the time of the sale.
  • The vehicle has to be owned and registered on your name for a minimum of 6 months.
  • Kindly be advised that we are not inclined to buy vehicles with any major mechanical issues or accidents, or any major structural damage. You're welcome to chat to a valuator for more info.
  • Please note, every call-out / evaluation is subject to appointment and FREE of charge. We will never come out to you, unannounced. #StaySafe